Monday 21 May 2012

iPhone 4S Jailbreak Release in ?a Matter of Days?

The iPhone 4S jailbreak for iOS 5.1.1 is almost ready for release.

According to pod2g, progress has been made on the iPhone 4S Jailbreak for iOS 5.1.1 untethered, enough that the team plans a release in days.

The new timeline lines up well with our prediction of an iPhone 4S jailbreak release date of May 26th at the Hack in the Box conference in Amsterdam.

In an update to Twitter on Sunday May 20th, pod2g thanked fellow community members for their assistance in testing and work on the iPhone 4S jailbreak.

?Thanks to awesome work of @planetbeing and @pimskeks, we?re near ready for a release. Now it?s a matter of days.?

iPhone 4S Jailbreak Status

The new iPhone 4S jailbreak tool will jailbreak the iPhone 4S as well as most Apple devices. The current jailbreak is compatible with the following Apple devices,

  • iPhone 4
  • iPhone 4S
  • iPad 1
  • iPad 2 Wifi
  • iPad 3 Wifi
  • iPad 3 CDMA
  • iPod 3G
  • iPod 4G

You can see the jailbreak running on a new iPad in the video below.

The jailbreak tool is still in testing with other Apple devices not listed.

What is iPhone Jailbreaking?

Users choose to jailbreak the iPhone 4S to run software Apple doesn?t allow in the app store. These apps and hacks offer faster access to settings, better integration with services like Google Voice an added visual flair. IntelliscreenX is a popular app that changes how the Notification Center and Lock Screen work.

Check out a demo of IntelliscreenX below to see one of the reasons people jailbreak the iPhone 4S.

Jailbreaking the iPhone 4S isn?t for everyone. Users who don?t have time to troubleshoot issues or need a perfectly stable iPhone for work may want to skip the jailbreak as it can cause stability issues like crashing and bad battery life.

The iPhone 4S jailbreak also voids the Apple iPhone warranty, but users can un-jailbreak the iPhone 4S before most trips to the Apple store.

Stay tuned for what you. We?d to do to prepare for the iPhone. 4S jailbreak, an a detailed iPhone 4S jailbreak guide as soon as the tool is released.

About the Author (Author Profile)

Josh Smith is Editor of GottaBeMobile and He's always looking for ways to help you get the most of your mobile gear and loves to talk about tech on numerous radio programs. Josh uses an iPhone 4S, Galaxy Nexus and iPad 2 on a daily basis. You can follow Josh on Twitter @Josh_Smith or find Josh Smith on Google+. Email:

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