Sunday 18 September 2011

Check Out This Impressive Classic Batman Lego Sculpture

That?s ?classic? as in the TV series from way back when Robin used to exclaim ?Holycow, Batman!? What makes it even more incredible is it was made by a 13 year old named Evan Bacon. Talented kid. If only he can get the rest of the Justice League done as well, he?d be bulletproof. Not to mention the bragging rights.

Lego Batman

Though the arms are noticeably short, it?s understandable considering the structural limitations of the statue. It took Evan bacon three months and up to 20,000 ricks to erect this 6 foot marvel. We?re really impressed with the facial features, which convey the Dark Knight?s fearsome gaze with utter realness. If Evan built this with no one?s help, we?re doubly impressed. So are a lot of other people, including Adam West himself, who posed for a picture. (View it thru the source link.)

The skill and detail of this Batman sculpture no doubt reflects on Evan?s artistic gifts. We?re sure he?s not only a talented sculptor, but the kind of person who works well in a�different�medium too. Hopefully, this isn?t the last of his projects. More power to you Evan!

Oh yeah, notice the vintage Batmobile parked beside the statue? Total coolness.

Source Nerd Approved

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