Friday 16 September 2011

What the Droid Prime and Nexus Prime Need to Beat the iPhone 5

By now, you?ve heard about a device we think might be called the Samsung Prime aka Nexus Prime aka Droid Prime for Verizon. Details about the device are still extremely murky but we?re fairly sure that we?ll see Sammy and Google launch it in October or in November with the arrival of Ice Cream Sandwich.

The latest rumor has it coming to all major U.S. providers with Verizon getting it first and putting their own spin on it. Yes, it might be a Droid-branded device.

Well, there was another Droid-branded device that came out just a few short days ago, a device called the Motorola Droid Bionic. The anticipation leading up to the Droid Bionic?s arrival was heavy. Launch dates and specs surfaced almost every day and the excitement was incredible.

That is, until it became overkill.

You see, while the Droid Bionic is a great phone, its launch was far from stellar. Every knew everything there was to know about the Droid Bionic weeks before Verizon announced a date.

And to make matters worse, Verizon didn?t capitalize on the buzz. At all. In fact, Big Red waited until a day before the rumored launch date to make everything official.Samsung Prime

In other words, it had let the blogosphere do the talking for it. But honestly, as much as I love my job, I am not speaking to the general population. Myself, and those of you reading this, are for the most part, smartphone nerds. We breathe in everything there is to breathe in about a phone before it?s released.

The normal person does not. And that?s why I think Google and Samsung need to do something different, something better, with the launch of the Samsung Prime.

With the Prime launching so close to the iPhone 5, it?s absolutely imperative that the launch of Samsung Prime does not follow in the footsteps of the Droid Bionic. Some examples:

Don?t announce this phone a day before it comes out.

Translation: Do not rely on blogs to funnel information to consumers. Again, blogs don?t get the pertinent information to average users and that?s exactly who Sammy and Google should be targeting with this device. That?s how you become the next iPhone.

Don?t accompany the launch of the Prime with gimmicky advertisements.

The Droid Bionic?s initial ad campaign was confusing. Sure, it had robots and an attractive heroine, but that?s not going to sell this device to anyone. Instead, get the person who made the recent Galaxy S II commercial and get them to follow the same footprint. Then, show the ad on all of the new fall TV show kickoffs.

Do give consumers a reason to wait.

Google and Samsung must plant the seed early. Like, now early. You?ve seen all of the buzz surrounding the iPhone 5 right? Google and Samsung need to start playing the same game.

How about a teaser commercial?

How about a teaser page?

The idea of the Prime has to be planted now, before the launch of the iPhone 5, otherwise the Google and Samsung risk being swallowed up by the launch of Apple?s newest iPhone irregardless of how awesome the Prime is.

The Prime has buzz, but it needs excitement among the general population. I?m not asking�Samsung�to go overboard and lay all the cards on the table, but give consumers a taste of what the Prime is right now with some good ads.

Motorola?s Droid Bionic is a great phone, but it stumbled out of the gate because of a poorly handled launch. Sad because it offers things no other smartphone offers. And it has

But the Prime, with the right specs and a creative and intelligent launch, has the ability to rival the iPhone. I?m serious. If there is an Android phone that I?ll buy over the iPhone, it?s a Nexus device.

Google and Samsung just need to make sure the average consumer feels the same way.

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