Wednesday 21 September 2011

Logitech Wireless Touchpad is very hands-on

by Mark R - on September 20th, 2011

About a week ago, we reported on the announcement of Logitech?s Wireless Touchpad, and I just got to try it out for myself.

The Touchpad is like the touchpad on your laptop, but a lot bigger at 5-inches (my laptop is about 3 inches). It comes with a a dongle that allows the user to work wirelessly with your computer.

The setup is quite simple, and then its all about learning what you can do with your fingers. The one finger will let you do all the things a mouse can do like move the cursor, double click, and drag and drop. It gets more interesting when you go with more than one finger.

For example, two finger swipes are for both vertical and horizontal scrolling. A three finger swipe is for page navigation: a three finger swipe up or down is Page Up or Page Down, and the three-finger swipe left or right will go forward or back one page.

Then there is the four fingered swipe, which is good for displaying a window of open applications. It can also do a minimize and restore windows, as well as a Windows 7 snap.

You should be able to get the Logitech Wireless TouchPad for about $49.99. I wouldn?t be surprised if we see a lot more touchpads like this from other companies, and I wouldn?t be surprised if they are larger. I think all of us are getting used to the touch interface of our mobile phones and tablets, and soon all laptop screens will be like them. Until then, we have devices like this.

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