FitBit?s new entry-level pedometer has almost every feature of the previous models in a smaller, less expensive package.
The FitBit Zip is a small pedometer that can fit into any pocket or clip onto a pair of pants with the included clip. The device will track steps taken as well as calories burned and distance traveled. All of this information is accessible from the small LCD screen on the device, the iPhone app, or desktop app that connects to the device.
The FitBit Zip is deceptively small, largely due to the clip that envelopes most of the device save for the screen. Outside the clip the Zip is small enough to fit inside the small pocket in a pair of jeans, which makes it relatively easy to carry around and also easy to forget about. The clip is also easy to carry around, and doesn?t fall off easily, but it?s much easier to go without the clip.
Reading stats from the Zip is easy, just tap the device anywhere and it cycles through steps taken, calories burned, distance traveled, and time. Before tapping it the Zip always has a smile on its face, literally. Unfortunately there?s no light on the Zip, so its hard to read in the dark, but as long as there?s some light the screen is easy to read.
It?s hard to say how accurate the FitBit Zip is in counting�calories, though some days it would report a number of calories burned before it left the nightstand it spent the night on, which seemed strange. Someone who isn?t looking for the calorie burning function in the device probably won?t mind, but it might be a problem for some users.
While the FitBit Zip does sync with an iPhone app, it?s important to note that it needs synced every night for an accurate reading. When the FitBit Zip is synced with the iPhone after midnight it wouldn?t properly�record the steps from the day that just ended. For most people that�likely isn?t a big problem�a problem but for night owls it?s a bit frustrating.
Overall the FitBit Zip is definitely worth the $60 for those who are looking into some sort of mobile fitness device. It?s small, easy to carry around, and doesn?t need the iPhone app to show stats. It? also one of the few devices that doesn?t need a weekly charge. One watch battery will power the FitBit Zip for up to six months, so it won?t just die with no warning once a week like some other devices.
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