Thursday 1 September 2011

Halo 4 To Kickstart Huge Reclaimer Saga (Video)

Oh yeah, that?ll be the title of the next Master Chief series: ?Reclaimer.? Ah, Halo and its funny names. We think ?repossession? sounds better. Dig this: Halo 4 Repossession. You read it here first, ladies and gentlemen, Geeky Gadgets has just created its own Halo sequel. Keep it mum though as we don?t want to start a feud with 343 Industries.

Halo 4

Oh yeas, 343 Industries. it?s like Bungie with a different name. In a move meant to keep a good thing going, Microsoft created 343 Industries to shepherd the Halo saga?s future. No surprise a lot of Bungie alums are among its present staff.

Since teasing upcoming game sequels is a dangerous balancing act, the 343 guys were mum on a lot of things when they spoke at Pax Prime 2011. Despite the existence of a Halo 4 trailer, the footage hardly reveals anything about part four, much less the story. It is a continuation from Halo 3, but so many changes/improvements will be made that the final version is going to guarantee the surprise factor doesn?t suffer. For starters, Master Chief?s new look is under wraps. A fourth ?iteration? of the iconic super-soldier is currently ongoing and the only hint is he?s going to come out decked in a suit that looks half tank half-jet fighter.

Awesome teaser video for the fanboys to obssess about:


For More Information Click Here To Know More


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