by Edwin - on February 11th, 2012
If you are feeling a little bit light in your wallet, then you would do well to avoid the Commercial Juicer. Why, you ask? The answer is very simple ? we are talking about a whopping $9,900 price tag here. This is no ordinary juicer, as it has been classified as a ?restaurant juicer? which is capable of extracting up to 84 oz. of fresh fruit every minute. Yes sir, that is right, entire oranges, grapefruit, or pomegranates can be placed within the chute, where the internal rotating flywheels will press the fruit onto a stainless steel micro serrated blade which then bisects the fruit.
Spinning reamers will then do their job, squeezing the exposed pulp while extracting its juice via a filter that ensures none of the bitter pith and pulp will end up in the juice itself, just before the liquid is channeled into an awaiting glass. As for the remaining squeezed fruit, that bit would be sent to chambers on either side of the juicer so that it is a whole lot easier to dispose of. You can view the whole juicing process via the transparent housing, and the Commercial Juicer is capable of juicing up to 28 oranges each minute. No idea on which home would settle for the exorbitant price tag though.
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