Friday 2 September 2011

Are Facebook iPhone 5 Giveaways a Scam?

Head over to Facebook or pay attention to the pop up ads on some websites and you?d think that Apple is forgoing a marketing campaign for the iPhone 5 in favor of giving it away to ?iPhone testers? who only need top share their personal information and sign up for 5 special offers.

Why am I talking about free iPhone 5?s on Facebook? Because I care, and I don?t want you to waste your time on a scam that could take your personal information or tricks you into doing work for free.

free iphone 5

I Don't Like Free iPhone 5 'Offers'

You don?t have to take my word for it, Graham Cluley on the well-known Naked Security blog has the following to say about iPhone 5 giveaways on Facebook and other sites,

Repeat after me :-)

* There is no free iPhone

* There is no free iPad

These pages will try to convince you that clicking a bunch of links and or signing up for online trials will result in a free iPhone, but in reality, you?re just padding the pockets of whoever set up the page.

Yes, occasionally you will be able to get a free device, but it will come from a legit giveaway like the one we ran with Vonage last week, not from an unknown source on Facebook that asks you to jump through hoops.

Unless you already have a relationship with a legit website, I suggest you take Cluley?s advice and just say no to free iPhone 5 or free iPad offers.

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Category: Mobile

About the Author (Author Profile)

Josh is technology enthusiast who enjoys pushing new gadgets to their limits and helping the average user make informed choices about technology. Josh has had technology articles appear on WalletPop and MSNBC as well as coverage from CNN.

Josh also teaches business technology courses and is the Editor at His phone is a ThunderBolt and his Tablet is an iPad 2.

Follow Josh on Twitter @Josh_Smith or email him

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